There are so many ways to reach out to others. How we do that
will be different for all of us. Sometimes those ways fall into
our lap from unexpected sources. That is what happened to me early
in 2008 when I first learned about Playmakers Mentoring Foundation
in Sacramento CA.
Born out of the passion in one man's heart, this program literally
teaches hundreds and hundreds of at risk kids how to play by the
rules, to respect others and themselves, and how to be a good
citizen and a leader in their community. Greg "Coach Roz"
Roeszler and his dedicated team of assistant coaches do this through
the high school football teams they coach and the free football
camps the Playmakers organization offers throughout the state.
Kids are coming off the streets and out of gangs to be part of
this amazing outreach, and it isn't just the kids that benefit
from this. Coach Roz holds frequent Coaching for Character Clinics,
so other coaches will know how to do what he is doing. We've even
begun writing books for coaches and parents (see below) where
we talk about kids and coaches who are doing the right thing when
no one is looking.
Playmakers is active in Omaha now, too. We’re holding coaching
clinics, free camps, and we’ve started up the Captain’s
Club, which is the mentoring arm of Playmakers. People are embracing
our program because we are offering a safe haven for kids through
the medium of sports. Kids are learning about character, values
and leadership, while developing self-esteem and respect for others.
And they are doing all this while having fun.
Playmakers is spreading across the country. If you’d like
to know how you can be part of this amazing outreach, just go
and click on “Get Involved,” or you can contact Coach
Roz directly at 916-220-1284, or
More Than a Game

“When Coach Roz opened his heart to a larger cause, it not only changed the lives of countless at-risk children, it changed him, too. Candidly and openly, he shares how those changes came about, admitting (perhaps even confessing) his shortcomings and how he learned to use those perceived faults to bring his coaching – and his character – up to another level.
As you walk with Roz through his story, you’ll see how he teaches his students to be winners, regardless of the score. You’ll hear him talk about real character and true integrity. You’ll learn about the non-negotiable priorities he teaches his Playmakers.
As you read about his players’ lives and their challenges, you’ll see how leading with compassion changed the trajectory of these young people and made it possible for them to learn how to be responsible citizens and have a better life. You see, being a Playmaker isn’t just for the short time they are in high school. It’s a way of life, and that relationship reaches far beyond the school years – both for the kids they work with and for the men who coach them.
Guaranteed to touch your heart, this book is like a road map for successful coaching that reaches far beyond the scoreboard.”
“This is the authentic Greg speaking from his heart and experiences. The details and story are so emotionally grabbing that it speaks for itself. This book is Vintage Greg. I am thumbs up all the way.”
—Dan Maust, Campus and Regional Minister and Director for Campus Crusade for Christ, International; former Athletes in Action Director in Michigan and California; former Detroit Lions Chaplain.
“I first met Greg as a goofy high school senior in 2005 when I tried out as a quarterback at Sacramento High School. We quickly developed a relationship grounded in mutual respect, active communication, and genuine care. Those qualities allowed our relationship to grow from player/coach to father/son and has survived the test of time.
I enlisted in the Navy after my senior season, but the core of that one season together has enabled a life-long familial bond. He’s been in my corner for over 17 years, through countless deployments, cross-country moves, getting married, and building a family.
I’ve been fortunate to serve with some of the best our country has to offer, but few exist in the rarified air Greg breathes every day – that of a selfless, humble servant. He genuinely opens his heart and home to complete strangers and expects nothing in return.
They say each generation stands on the shoulders of giants. I am just one of many who were lucky enough to stand upon his.”
—LT Jason Martz, USN, in Everett, Washington
“I spent 28 years as a police officer, followed by 9 years teaching high school and middle school – primarily physical education. I wish I had read Coach Roz’ book BEFORE I began my second career in education and BEFORE I started coaching football. I realized, too late, that many of my students were kids that Roz talks about in his book – kids without fathers in their lives; kids living in poverty; kids with no direction; kids who have never known “family.” I encountered many of these kids on the street as a police officer.
This book is great for anyone coaching youth or high school football, or any sport, and for those teaching these kids in classrooms. You can be the difference in their lives. Coach Roz shares how this can happen in More Than a Game. I highly recommend reading this book, using his methods to coach/teach the kids, and sharing these principles with others. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain.”
—Dan Moody, Former Law Enforcement Officer; former Teacher and Coach; U.S. Naval Reserves for 24 years
“More Than a Game reminds us coaches of why we do what we do. We can get lost in the chasing of rings, banners and accolades and forget we are there to – at a minimum – positively impact young people. The challenges of an inner city program extend way beyond the gridiron. This read should inspire those of us who enjoy more favorable circumstances to find ways to bless those less fortunate.”
—Terry Richards, Civil Engineer; Youth & High School Football Coach for 20 years
“I wish I could have applied Greg’s coaching philosophy when I was a young coach. I would have been a better coach and mentor, and my players would have become better young men.
Greg is really making a difference. The game of football is blessed because Greg is part of it.
The book was fantastic. It touched my heart on many levels. I am so proud of him and honored to call him my brother.
—Rudy Castellanos, former high school and junior college teacher and football coach; San Francisco firefighter for 30 years, retired as Assistant Deputy Chief
To order the book, click here.
Beyond Coaching: Building Character and Leadership

Click on the image above to order
book offers fresh new ways to change the direction of a young person’s
life – as well as your own. You’ll learn about the awesome power of a
coach and a mentor, both for a child and for the whole community.
Roz and Harrison Phillips share their stories and philosophies with the
sincere hope that their message will inspire readers to join them in
changing kids’ lives for the better.
This is not a pick up and put down type of book. It is a game plan that can change the direction of a kid’s life.
Sometimes you read a book that inspires you to take life-changing action. This is that book!
Coaching Character and Leadership

In his own unique way, Coach Roz shares 22
Practical Quotes which he uses to teach today’s youth
what it means to be a person of character. Coach Roz tells how
his Playmakers program offers a clear base of support for parents
who have the difficult task of raising their kids alone. Included
are tips about:
· The importance of praise and affirmation
· What real character looks like
· Rules and expectations
· Priorities
· Being accountable
Laced with humor and undergirded by his passion for helping
lost kids, every page is a gem that is bound to touch the reader’s
You can purchase this book through
our E-Store AT
THIS LINK or through Amazon AT

With Coach Roz, success in life starts on the playing field,
where kids learn lessons that last a lifetime.
Now you can learn Coach Roz's methods so you, too, can coach
for that bigger win - at home and at school, as well as on the
field. Whether you are a coach, a teacher, or a parent, here
is a way to build your team while building kids' character.
In this book, Coach Roz gives you 22 easy-to-follow rules for:
*Getting in the game
*Keeping the game in perspective
*Balancing studies with sports
*Building family (especially helpful for single parents)
*Learning to be a responsible citizen
...and much more that will help you teach our youth important
life lessons. Whether you're a parent, a teacher, or a coach,
this book is for you!
Print copies are available for $12.95 plus S&H by clicking
on the “Buy Now” button. For the eBook version,
please go to
to order a copy.
You can purchase this book through
our E-Store AT
THIS LINK or through Amazon AT
The Grow With Guidance Educational Program
ALL SUCCEED when we Grow With Guidance! Grow
With Guidance is a proven, forward-thinking, systematic approach
that improves our vision of education and empowers ALL students
for success. GWG materials outline a high quality, affordable,
user-friendly, and valuable plan for schools to lay the foundation
for academic progress and success, drug-free and safe schools,
school-to-career, character education, invitational education
and much more.
GWG creates opportunities for students, pre-K-12
and beyond, to have experiences and develop skills needed by
all throughout life. Personal, social, emotional, and behavioral
skills provide the balance with academic skills for the whole
student to develop in a healthy way. The System components include
positive behavior management, self-talk and self-pictures, and
staff and student skill building. Families can incorporate these
concepts in their routines and interactions at home. All components
include a unique self-concept process called the self-concept
series, along with ways to measure results and change.
The Grow With Guidance Series includes a research
report that documents 35 years of research results, all the
components, plans, assessments, and formulas necessary to make
a significant difference in the climate, experiences, and life
skills for ALL.
Visit and contact
for more information now. We look forward to working together
with you.